Introducing IBM Storage DS8000 G10

September 10, 2024

12:30 - 4:00pm

IBM Innovation Studio New York
51 Astor Place 
New York, NY 10003

Strategic storage choices for IBM Z are more about end-to-end integration than they are about the individual capabilities of a storage box. Come learn about deep end-to-end integration between IBM Z and IBM DS8000 in the areas of security, efficiency, performance, offloading, high availability, disaster recovery, and cyber resiliency. We’ll also introduce the new IBM DS8000 G10, end-to-end integration on a rocket sled!

12:30-1:30pm      Registration and lunch available
1:30-2:15pm        Integrated Storage for IBM Z
2:15-3:00pm        Cyber Resiliency for IBM Z
3:00-3:15pm        Break
3:15-4:00pm        Introducing IBM Storage DS8000 G10


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