Welcome back to the IBM Storage User Group!


The ISUG board are happy to invite you back to the bi-annual ISUG Sweden. We have two days filled with interesting sessions held by international experts so please join us to get the latest updates and see where we are headed. Sessions will also be interactive so you will get a chance to have discussions and ask questions. 
Date and time: 
December 4th: 09.00 - 17:00
December 5th: 09.00 - 16:00
Some sessions will be streamed, please look at the livestream icon in the agenda to see! 
Agenda and link to the livestream will soon be shared.
For questions, please contact Roger Eriksson at Roger_eriksson@se.ibm.com
By registering for this event, you are acknowledging that you have read and agree with the terms of the IBM Privacy Statement https://www.ibm.com/privacy and that select sessions are under NDA.

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